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Trying Street Food From 9 Countries Across The Globe

A trip around the world simply isn’t complete without sampling the rich array of cuisine each country has to offer–the best of which isn’t always found by dining in. Join Condé Nast Traveler as we take you on a journey across the globe to explore the best take-out lunches from around the world. From takoyaki in Japan to Australian meat pies, which dish is taking your fancy?

Released on 06/29/2023


[upbeat music]

[moves into inquisitive music]

[customer and staff speaking in foreign language]

[relaxed music]

[cash register dings]

[cashier speaking in foreign language]

[rhythmic music]

[customer and staff speaking in foreign language]

[car horns honking]

[cash register dings]

[calm music]

[customer speaking in foreign language]

[customer and staff speaking in foreign language]

[cash register dings]

[rhythmic music]

[cash register dings]

[moves into bright music]

[customer and staff speaking in foreign language]

[bright music continues]

[cash register dings]

[Customer] Thank you.

[customer and staff speaking in foreign language]


[calm music]

[customer and staff speaking in foreign language]

[calm music continues]

[cash register dings]

[staff speaking in foreign language]

Hi. Hi, how you going?

How are you? Good, thank you.

How are you? Good, thanks.

What can I get for you?

[Customer] I'm hoping to get the

beef, cheese and pepper pie, and I'll get that heated up.

[Staff] Of course.

[Customer] Nice.

So that's $7.15. Thank you very much.

Thank you.

[Customer] Perfect, thank you so much.

[rhythmic music]

[patrons chattering]

[Customer] Nice.

Ah, amazing.

Thank you.

[rhythmic music continues]

[moves into upbeat music]